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APRIL 30, 2009

Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Jim Dunn, Glenn Gaudette, Don Mancini, Marilynn Foley

Member Absent: Peter Lacy, Rick Bates

The meeting was called to order at 7:03.

The Committee continued its deliberations on the F/Y10 budgets and continued voting on most of the budgets.

Human Services Budget (Veteran's Benefits, Senior Citizen's)

A motion by Jim 2nd by Paul to approve the Veteran' Benefit Budget as printed for $56,200.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Don to move the roof repair out of the Senior citizen's budget was defeated 1-5 (opposed, Al, Paul, Glenn, Don, Marilynn).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Don to approve the Senior Citizen's Budget as printed for $218,736.00 was voted unanimously.

WRSD Budget

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to approve the WRSD Minimum Contribution for $16,269,045.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Paul to approve the WRSD Debt for $1,162,589.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to approve WRSD Transportation for $791,090.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to approve WRSD Voluntary Contribution (RASA) was voted 5-1 (opposed Marilynn).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to approve Montachusett Vocation Budget for $644,926.00 was voted unanimously.

Library Budget

Paul did not participate in this discussion.

A motion by Glenn to cut line item 5112 (Assistant Librarians) $4,172.00, failed for lack of a second.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Marilynn to approve the Library Budget as printed for $726,157.00 was voted unanimously (abstained Paul).

Recreation/After School Revolving Funds

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to reduce the line item 5830 (Capital Outlay) by $45,000.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Marilynn to approve a revised Recreation Revolving Fund Budget of $308,141.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to increase the amount transferred to the IIF by $100,000.00 for a total of $210,853.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to approve the After School Revolving Fund as printed for $273,792.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Glenn 2nd by Paul to approve the Cable Revolving Fund as printed for $194,621 was voted unanimously.

Solid Waste Revolving Fund

A motion by Paul 2nd by Don to approve the Solid Waste Revolving Fund as printed for $1,011,934.00 was voted in favor 5-1 (opposed Glenn).

Inspection Revolving Fund

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to approve the Inspection Revolving Fund as printed for $195,817.00 was voted unanimously.

Fire Stabilization Fund

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to purchase outright Engine 1 for $450,000.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to borrow $200,000.00 for a tanker (to match a federal grant) for F/Y 10 with costs for principal, interest and fees not to exceed $50,000.00 was voted unanimously.

Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to remove $75,000 (Mason Road) and $80,000.00 (Highland Street Tank) from the W/S Enterprise Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Paul to advise the Town Manager and DPW Supervisor that the Finance Committee will recommend no action on the W/S Budget at the Annual Town Meeting was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to ask the Finance Committee Chairman to communicate the previous vote to the Town Manager and all appropriate personnel was voted unanimously.

DPW Depreciation Fund

A motion by Jim 2nd by Al to remove the Foreman's truck from the DPW Depreciation Fund to the Highway Department was voted down 2-4 (opposed Paul, Glenn, Don, Marilynn).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to remove $175,000.00 for Town Building Renovation from the DPW Depreciation Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to remove $32,000.00 from DPW Depreciation Fund for Hazardous Waste Facility and place those funds into Buildings and Grounds Budget was voted unanimously.

Public Works Budget

A motion by Jim 2nd by Don to approve the Administration Budget as printed for $160,276.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to decrease line 5111 by $29,050.00 (Engineers) in the Engineering Budget was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to approve a revised Engineering Budget of $91,000.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Paul to decrease the Highway Budget line 5211 by $11,500.00 (Light Power/Streetlights) was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Marilynn to approve a revised Highway Department Budget of $1,323,000.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Glenn 2nd by Paul to delete line 5143 $225.00 (incentive plan) was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Paul to approve a revised Equipment Repair Budget of $153,401.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to approve a revised budget for Buildings and Grounds for $681,307.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Glenn 2nd by Paul to approve the Garage Division Budget as printed for $58,000.00 was voted unanimously.

Remaining budgets to be reviewed are: Public Safety (Police), Insurance, Debt

A motion by Paul 2nd by Al to approve the minutes of April 29, 2009 was voted unanimously (abstained Glenn).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to instruct the Town Manager to craft a WRSD Budget warrant article to approve the WRSD Budget as well as the WRSD Assessment to the towns was voted unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 10:35.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk